We offer a painting evaluation service. In the evaluation of paintings a careful analysis of the object or work of art is carried out, based on various factors, such as the age, the attribution to a school, circle or to an artist and follower, the executive quality, the rarity of the work, origin, materials, the subject, evaluation paintings with certain references to the current market.
The paintings evaluation can also be very simple, professional, fast if performed online by sending photos to our e-mail musetti.renato@gmail.com or on WhatsApp to the number 3287565328.
Evaluation of Paintings : Expert
In our evaluation of paintings, surveys are carried out: documents with legal value that attest to the value of works of art; they are usually requested by insurance companies, in the case of divisions inherited by inheritance or simply to have an evaluation of a single picture or entire collections. The appraisals can only be issued by an expert. The Knight Renato Musetti entered in the Role of Experts and Experts of the Court of Massa Carrara, can make written appraisals for a fee; the cost of an appraisal varies from many aspects, distance, number of works, value of the works We are expert witnesses both of ancient paintings and paintings of contemporary art, we have qualified experts with a careful presence in first person in the art and antiques market. To request an estimate online simply send photos via email or WhatsApp attaching particular size and origin
Evaluations of Paintings: Home Visits
If you wish to have an evaluation, an art or antique expertise, you can contact us to make an appointment at home. We receive by appointment at home or at home throughout Italy and finally also abroad for a request for evaluation estimates for paintings For more details, please contact us: Telephone +39 3287565328 Email: musetti.renato@gmail.com Knight Renato Musetti-
Knight Renato Musetti Evaluates Antique and Modern Paintings, estimates inheritances and catalogs entire Art Collections.
The parameters that are used to make an appropriate evaluation are the period, the condition, the author and market demanded the precise moment when the item is sold or bought, then the subject, dimensions, possible restoration, provenance, and othervariable parameters.
The sum of these elements will determine the appraisal and economic evaluation of the object.